Chapter 1.9- Realsionships.

Thomas and Lucas play a game of catch in the yard, they are so full of engery
Then Lucas teaches all the quads to drive well apart from Jess, she dosen’t want to
so we play a game of frisbee in the yard while Lucas is with the boys even though she needs practice, she nearly knocked me out with the thing.
I found out today that Jessie’s Boyfriend whose shes deeply in love with lives in the hostel, I tell her that he can move in after all, whats one more teen in the house but no funny business. I am too young for Grand kids so she asks and he accepts and an Loft bed is placed in the kids room.
and he has a little makeover.

Chapter 1.8- The Parents return

Jessica’s P.O.W
After the party it was time to clean up, I took the bathroom where I has to fix the objects and clean and I left my brothers to do the kitchen and the rest of downstairs to throw out all the pizza boxes and beer cans so mum and dad will never knew we threw a party, we even did the Laundry as it was piling up and ending up on the floor
The Tv and the Trash Compacter had to be repaired too but my brothers did them.
After cleaning the bathroom and doing the laundry, I went to let off some steam by jumping in puddles in my nightwear, it was such fun.
Then I went on a date with Morgan, he is very Family Oriented and we talked about our future children, Yes I want to get married and have kids but Frist I would like to go to Uni and get an Degree.
Zak went out clubbing and met a few girls and had a great time, he didn’t get in til 3am in the morning good thing our parents are away or he’ll be in big trouble.
Annabelle’s P.O.W
Well the kids kept the house nice and tidy and they even did the laundry for me so when I came home, Lucas went to do some gardening while I played Kicky Bag.

Chapter 1.6- Growing Pains

Jessica just loves to paint, I hope that this hobby for hers will make a living for her as it’s what she wants to do, she’s better at it then me alreayy.
Spring has finally come and the snow has melted so Lucas and Zak finally went fishing at the lake, they caught so much fish and the frezzer is bursting with it so they used some of it to fertilize the plants.
Jess went to the Spring festival and played horseshoes, she loved it and won some lovely tickets.
Oliver decided to dance at the festival then the quads had their birthday and aged into teens.
Jess has become quite over-emotional, well at least it will add depth and character to her paintings.
Olly has become an Bookworm, good thing that the kids room has an bookshelf.
Thomas is an Workaholic, at least he will be succesful
and Zak has an Green thumb, another budding gardener in the family.