Chapter 1.10- An End and A new beggining

I got a promotion, only problem that the job was in Sunlit Tides, apparently they needed a Pastry Chef. After much discussion it was decided that we would moved to Sunlit tides and the Quads and Morgan would finish off their schooling there. We moved into this lovely three bedroomed house with a room for the boys, 1 for Jess and another for me and Lucas
Jess has found a love for music now too so Lucas bought her this Guitar which she loves to play while the boys cheer or boo her on depends on their mood but Morgan always supports her.
Oliver is already Popular around here and got called for a date by Luna Wahine, I wonder if anything will come from it.
Soon it is time for the teens birthday and time for my Heir Jessie to take over. from Now on the diary will be from her perceptive as her and Morgan set out on their new life together.
Olly as an Young Adult
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Jess and Morgan as Young Adults
Thomas as an Young Adult
and Zak as young adult.
Sims can be downloaded at my Main Site here

Chapter 1.9- Realsionships.

Thomas and Lucas play a game of catch in the yard, they are so full of engery
Then Lucas teaches all the quads to drive well apart from Jess, she dosen’t want to
so we play a game of frisbee in the yard while Lucas is with the boys even though she needs practice, she nearly knocked me out with the thing.
I found out today that Jessie’s Boyfriend whose shes deeply in love with lives in the hostel, I tell her that he can move in after all, whats one more teen in the house but no funny business. I am too young for Grand kids so she asks and he accepts and an Loft bed is placed in the kids room.
and he has a little makeover.

Chapter 1.8- The Parents return

Jessica’s P.O.W
After the party it was time to clean up, I took the bathroom where I has to fix the objects and clean and I left my brothers to do the kitchen and the rest of downstairs to throw out all the pizza boxes and beer cans so mum and dad will never knew we threw a party, we even did the Laundry as it was piling up and ending up on the floor
The Tv and the Trash Compacter had to be repaired too but my brothers did them.
After cleaning the bathroom and doing the laundry, I went to let off some steam by jumping in puddles in my nightwear, it was such fun.
Then I went on a date with Morgan, he is very Family Oriented and we talked about our future children, Yes I want to get married and have kids but Frist I would like to go to Uni and get an Degree.
Zak went out clubbing and met a few girls and had a great time, he didn’t get in til 3am in the morning good thing our parents are away or he’ll be in big trouble.
Annabelle’s P.O.W
Well the kids kept the house nice and tidy and they even did the laundry for me so when I came home, Lucas went to do some gardening while I played Kicky Bag.

Chapter 1.7- Teens will be Teens

Jessica’s P.O.W
The parents won a free weekend away and so we, me and my three brothers that is decided to throw a teen party so we could get to know all the teens in our Neighbourhood so Olly as the oldest used the phone to call them all over,
Who knew so many teens lived in our neighbourhood and I see a cute boy over there with his Purple skin and eyes and dark eyes, he’s very Handsome so I go over to Introduce myself.
I greet him and he is Single and our signs are compatible, I find out that he’s just moved here to finish the school year and is living in an Local Hostel as he has no family. Apparently he grew up in foster care.
I spend most of the night chatting and having fun with Morgan Honeycutt, thats his name while my brothers have fun, I hope the house dosen’t get trashed.
I confess that I like him and he likes me too, we share our first kiss and he agrees to become my boyfriend.

Chapter 1.6- Growing Pains

Jessica just loves to paint, I hope that this hobby for hers will make a living for her as it’s what she wants to do, she’s better at it then me alreayy.
Spring has finally come and the snow has melted so Lucas and Zak finally went fishing at the lake, they caught so much fish and the frezzer is bursting with it so they used some of it to fertilize the plants.
Jess went to the Spring festival and played horseshoes, she loved it and won some lovely tickets.
Oliver decided to dance at the festival then the quads had their birthday and aged into teens.
Jess has become quite over-emotional, well at least it will add depth and character to her paintings.
Olly has become an Bookworm, good thing that the kids room has an bookshelf.
Thomas is an Workaholic, at least he will be succesful
and Zak has an Green thumb, another budding gardener in the family.

Chapter 1.5- Childhood Fun

Oliver loves the new toy oven that we brought for the Quads Birthday, he loves using it to bake sweet delights to eat and share with his friends and families and he has already maxed the skill and makes great Deserts
at the Moment, Little Jessie is in her princess phrase, she loves dressing up and pretending that she’s addressing her loyal subjects or exploring her castle, our little girl has such a creative imagination.
She even uses the play table to further develop her imagination saying to me and Lucas as she bluilds that she’s building a castle with an art studio where she’s going to live.
Oliver enjpoys the outdoors , he loves playing catch with Lucas and they don’t let the snow stop them, Everyday, I have to remind them to wear outerwear and I come home and Olly’s in his everyday wear, some days, I wonder where my husbands head is at.
The other boys decide to stay inside this winter, Zak wanted to go and do some fishing but the lake has been frozen over so he complains about the winter to his dad, the plants are dormant too so he can’t even do some gardening. Thomas has his head in a book, that boy loves to sit around reading and it’s not children’s stories, he wants to read either but textbooks, he loves learning and he always wants to learn more, my zak is an sponge for information.
One night, while the children are sleeping, I discuss the heir for my family who will be continuing on the family line of mine, after much discusion with Lucas and some friends of mine, I have chosen Jessica to be my Heir.

Chapter 1.3- A busy but fun filled Life

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After the Quads were born the house became very hectic and whereas I was on Maternity leave, I was the one they woke up in the early hours of the Morning needing feeds and with four of them to get through and Lucas working, It was quite hard.
but he is such an Good dad, when he gets home from work he takes over care of the quads so I can catch up on sleep. They may be hard work but I love my little ones so much.
Lucas is still an Avid Gardener and I use the Produce, he grows for my cooking so we save money that we need for the Quads on Food.
Soon it is time for the quads birthday, Me and Lucas help them to blow out thier candles and they Grow into cute toddlers.
Oliver really enjoys playing with the Xylophone, he hums along as he bangs the stick up and down on the keys, well when he’s not exploring the stick using his mouth, and we have to say No Olly, we don’t eat the stick
Thomas prefers playing with the dolls house, He likes pretending that the dolls are relatives of ours,have I mentioned he gets visions that he acts out using the dolls, Oh Dear he must take after his Grandfather, my dad used to get visions and that’s why he and his wife and 2 sons were in that car crash that only my husband survived, His younger brother died, I was named after his little sister, Oh also My mum was his Mistress.
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Zak and Jess love tickle time with me, they giggle and babble in exictment and encouragement.

Chapter 9- Farewells, Birthdays and Fall Fun

I am so glad that my children get on so well, playing games together even if they do get too competive at time, Pete was having a water fight with Bella this morning, they were teasing each other and laughing and when Bella knocked her older brother over, he just said he would win next time.

Any way today is Leisure day so I go with the kids to the summer festival, How time flies it feels like yesterday when I met the twins dad here and now there teens

Pete enjoys playing horseshoes with one of our neighbors  he needs more practice, he missed the sand twice the shoes landing on the grass but I have no doubt that he will win one day as I have said before my son is so competive.

Me, Ali and Bella enter the eating contest. Ali wins the contest so now we have a years supply of hot dogs  how fun, I feel really sick after eating all them hot dogs, how do my daughters do it

Ali after eating all them hot dogs goes to have a water fight with other residents of our town. She wins 60-20 so eating them hot dogs didn’t slow her down any

Bella tries out the rink. “This is Fun” she shouts as she skates around the rink. “Look Mummy” she shouts There are skates skating by themselves, Yes honey I say, Really my kids have such Imaginations, I think to myself.

After the family Photo, I take Jessie home as there’s not much for her to do at the festival, I toss her in the air as she shouts “More Mummy, More” and giggles, My kids are so precious

Bella plays on the rocking horse, I am cowgirl Bel and I am coming to get you bandits she shouts pretending to lasso them.

The children all come home and celebrate thier birthdays

Jessica grows into an Adorable and Brave child

Bella has become quite childish and has grown into her alien powers, I am going to have some fun now

Ali is a Party Animal and she wants to be a Rock Star

Peter becomes a Social Butterfly and wants to start a family

After the birthdays, the twins came to talk to me, Ali has a job at the theatre and thier is an apartment for her to move in and Pete wants to move in his girlfriend Mitzi, I wish them luck and Pete uses the phone to call the moving company

Jessie loves playing on the rocking horse, she will spend hours on end playing with it pretending to be a cowgirl catching Bandits with her Lasso. I ask her Do you want to work with horses, No Mummy I want to join the army she says. OH No but I promised myself that I would always support my kids needs so all i say is Yes Honey while hoping it’s just a phrase she’s going through.

I bought an Chemistry table for the girls to enjoy and Jessie loves using it, Today, she made a potion, I wonder what it is

Being a teen Alien is hard work, Bella has come into her powers, she doesn’t need to sleep but she does need to charge her brain.

Jess went trick and treating today. She dressed up as a bunny and went to house to house and brung home lods of candy. I put half away and being the good girl she is Tessie shared the rest with her sister, whew no sugar high for Jess, That would have been fun

On Spooky day, I and my girls went to the Fall Festival, Being the brave soul I am, I went exploring the Scary Shack and I came out a Ghost, I went over to the man manning the food stall and asked about my condition, Whew It will wear off, I am so glad it’s only Temporary.

Bella returns home dressed as a Cow-Girl to host her costume party.

She gets chatting with a boy she lives from school Gus

They spend most of the night chatting while the guests enjoy and amuse themaselves. Bella finds out that Gus likes her too, they kiss and then she asks Gus to be her boyfriend which he accepts and then he asks her to prom.

Meanwhile, I visit Tommy and have my last birthday, I am now old

Bella and Jess play chess together then suddenly Bella decides her brain needs charging, Jess doesn’t even seem to notice,just continues with her game.

Chapter 7- Spring has arrived.

I start teaching Bella to walk. “Come to Mummy” I say holding my arms out and she toddles right into my arms. “What a clever girl you are” I say as I toss her in the air.

After she has learnt to walk, I take her uptairs and put her in the kids room so she can play with the toys while I spend time with the twins. She loves the dolls house, she will spend hours banging the dolls, trying to chew their heads off and babbling.

I find the twins having a pillow fight downstairs. “I won” shout Ali as she bashes Pete with the pillow, Kids Huh, Mine are so competive.

I leave Bella with her siblings and go to visit Tommy. I am finally ready to take our relationship forward. I arrive at his house and tell him the news and we head to bed.


Later that day, I teach Bella to talk. “Mummy uses the computer to work, can you say computer”, I ask my daughter. Bella reply’s “Puter” ” Good Girl Computer” I say. Bella replies “compuer” I am proud. I clap in encouragement and praise.

Then I potty train her. Big girls use the toilet, I say Yes Mummy she does and does a wee. I am proud of my baby.

She plays with the blocks table while I start the laundry. While I am about it, I find out I am pregnant for the 3rd time, hopefully the last, Bella puts the block to her face and says Mummy see you, Big Belly, Aren’t kids funny


Pete is such a big help, today he took Bella to play on the spring riders outside so I could catch so rest Bella loved it giggling and shouting more more as it rocked up and forth

Soon it is love day and I go with the kids to the spring festival. We had great fun. Pete won the dance completion and Ali loves horseshoes.


When we get home, I go into Labour and I give birth to a beautiful baby girl whose Exictable and Athletic. I call her Jessica



Chapter 5- Birthday and Winter has arrived

After Ryan had left, I went upstairs and hugged my little darlings, I can’t belive he doesn’t want you, His lost, I  think as I snuggle Little Pete.


Then It’s time for their birthday. I take my angels to blow out their candles and they grow up into adorable children.  Ali is Great at making people laugh and making jokes up whereas Pete tells me he wants a big family when he grows up.

I sold the cots and bought a bunk-bed. My bedroom is renovated, now I just need to build a room for the kids.

The Twins are as close now as they were as toddlers. After their birthday, they start talking about the cold weather outside. I saw snow today peter says and it’s very cold outside says Pete to Ali.

They visit our local fishing lake and find it frozen over and using some skates they found they decide to skate round this. This is fun shouts Pete to Ali. I can’t wait to learn to spin shout Ali.

While my kids are having fun at the lake, I am hard at work on my next book.

I finally finish and sell it earning enough money to build the kids room. I even have enough money left over to buy an costume chest.

It is winter now and snow is everywhere. It is the weekend and I take the children to the winter festival after ensuring they are wrapped up nice and warm as it’s freezing outside.

I rent some skates and we try out the ice skating rink. I think Ali and Pete have practiced, They are whizzing around while I spend all my time trying to stay upright.

Next, I try snowboarding. This is great fun, I can’t wait to learn some tricks and stunts.

I am walking home from the festival when I see that I have a new neighbour, I go inside and find it’s my olf friend Tommy from the home, I find out he’s still single. He moved here to start his business career. Tommy always had big dreams, he still wants to be an CEO. I tell him about  my writing career and my kids but then it starts getting late and I need to head home to tuck the twins in bed.

The Next morning the twins get up and Pete is pretending to be dinosaur, Roar, Roar he shouts stomping around the house.

I send the kids off to school with their lunches then put them on the bus, I Arrive back at the house and see an Green Man waiting outside.He introduces himself saying he’s from Planet Zoog and I have been selected with the incredible offer of carrying and bringing up his child if I would like this Honor. It sounds intresting and I have always been interesting so I accept.

We go to the shower to create my next child then he thanks me and flys off in his spaceship. Tommy calls and invites me over so I go to visit him.

I arrive and straight away, I Tell him about the visit from the Alien. He doesn’t mind saying he’s always loved me and asking me to be his girlfriend. I accept then I have to head home because the twins will be getting home soon and I need to do something for them to eat.